Our Honey CertificationsOrganic Honey, Non-GMO Honey & True Source



The Taste of Quality & Consistency

For over 45 years, we have partnered with customers like you to provide the highest quality, the most consistent, and the best tasting honey you can find. With this, we are humbled to have become the Premiere West Coast Bulk Honey Supplier.

By respecting our vision of a world where bees and people thrive and living out our values daily, we plan to continue supplying high quality honey for years to come.

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Organic Honey

When It Has to be Organic

All GloryBee organic honey is certified organic by Quality Assurance International (QAI) and carries the USDA organic seal. It is made without the use of GMOs and is certified kosher by the Orthodox Union.

But being certified organic goes deeper than a label. Produced and harvested in a sustainable manner, our organic honey is healthier for bees, healthier for people, and healthier for the plant. By choosing to offer organic bulk honey, we are furthering our vision of a healthy world where bees and people thrive.


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True Source Honey

Transparency and Traceability

GloryBee believes it is critical to ensure that the honey we import is ethically and legally sourced in a transparent and traceable manner.

True Source Certification verifies the country of origin of all GloryBee honey. Each flower species has a unique pollen grain, and all honey contains trace amounts of pollen which can be used to determine its major floral sources and geographical origin. Through DNA testing of the pollen in honey, True Source confirms its origin and floral sources.

An independent third party audit firm then tracks the honey from the beekeeper that harvests it to the distributor that exports it and confirms full compliance with U.S. and international trade laws.

True Source Certification protects the viability of commercial beekeeping in the U.S. which is essential for pollination of the food we eat.


• Transparency and traceability
• Full compliance with trade laws
• Truthful labeling as to the source
• Testing to ensure origin and floral source
• Safe and secure handling from hive to handle

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Non-GMO Project Verified Honey

GloryBee is an industry leader in developing the conventional non-GMO honey supply chain. We worked closely with the Project over 4 years, and our efforts contributed to the certification standards for honey as they are today.

Add More Value to Your Brand

There are many reasons why Non-GMO Project Verified honey should be a part of your ingredient supply chain all of which add up to bringing added value to your better-for-you brand.

  • Non-GMO Project Verified honey meets the functional requirements to support Non-GMO Project Verified labeling and supports the entire Non-GMO agricultural system.
  • Honey bees pollinate one-third of every bite of food we eat – to increase the demand for non-GMO agriculture, we need honey bees to pollinate these crops.
  • Consumers are increasingly choosing products that are better for them and better for the planet.

How Non-GMO Project Honey is Verified

Standards have been put in place to ensure beekeeping practices follow strict non-GMO standards which include:

  • Confirmation that crops the bees pollinate are non-GMO crops.
  • Tracking hive locations and updating these locations annually to ensure no new presence of GMO crops is within the flight range of the bees.
  • Verifying that any supplemental feed given to the bees is only from non-GMO verified sources.

Most importantly, partnering with beekeepers around the world who are 100% invested in non-GMO practices.


Consumer Driven Demand

The Non-GMO Project Verified label is one of the fastest-growing labels driven by customer choice. Consumers increasingly want transparency on the products they purchase. Non-GMO labeling has a positive perception amongst consumers and it is growing.

Bioengineered Declaration Compliance

Bioengineering labeling laws and whole foods labeling requirements came into effect on January 1, 2022. Brands need to be prepared for this shift which will only further escalate the growth of Non-GMO Project Verified products.

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PO Box 2744 Eugene OR 97402

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