Raw vs. 100% Pure Honey: What Is the Difference

March 28, 2023by Jennifer Touchette

Many people assume raw honey and pure honey are the same product. However, these two honey products have several distinct differences in their taste and production process. This blog will share our guide to understanding raw vs. 100 percent pure honey: what is the difference between these two syrups?

Raw Honey

When you order raw, unfiltered honey, this honey is taken straight from the hive and bottled. Since raw honey has no added ingredients and does not get heated through pasteurization, it contains the highest amounts of active enzymes and antioxidants possible.

The antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral properties of raw, unfiltered honey are also the strongest compared to processed honey.

The flavor of raw honey is naturally intensely sweet and highly delicious. We recommend that businesses looking for honey with a delectable taste and potent health benefits order bulk raw honey.

Best Used For

  • Health benefits
  • Taste
  • Home remedies

100% Pure Honey

Pure honey relates more to the taste and ingredients of honey products than the production process of this syrup. For example, most bottles of regular processed honey have additional sugar, corn syrup, and artificial flavoring to enhance the taste of products. However, pure honey is 100% made of pure honey with no extra flavoring or ingredients.

Unlike raw honey, pure honey goes through pasteurization. However, pure honey brands may still contain many active enzymes and other similar health benefits to raw honey. We recommend checking the labels of 100 percent pure honey products to examine the exact health properties of these products.

Restaurants, bakeries, coffee shops, and other businesses searching for a lighter, healthy honey choice should consider ordering bulk pure honey.

Best Used For

  • Lighter taste
  • Health benefits

Although deciding between raw and pure honey is difficult for businesses, both these products still contain highly beneficial health properties. Review our guide on raw vs. pure honey: what is the difference between these two products to feel confident about the type of honey you order for your business.

Here at Honey Source, we supply the healthiest, most flavorful, raw, and pure honey products.

We provide businesses with bulk honey orders of the highest quality to include these syrups in their markets confidently. To learn more about our pure honey, raw honey, or other honey products, check out our website for additional information.

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